Whitworth Water District
Ground Breaking – New Administration and Operations Facility


The Whitworth Water District Board of Commissioners is pleased to report on the recent ground breaking of their new administration and operations facility located on North Newport Highway. The facility will be built on ground the District purchased back in 1993 and will replace their existing offices located on North Waikiki Road of nearly 50 years. Construction is set to begin in mid-May and is expected to continue through January of 2019. The facility will consist of an office space of 5,900 square-feet, a 12,400 square-foot shop space, and a separate storage building of 5,000 square-feet.

The project was designed by Bernardo Wills Architects PC and will be constructed by Western States Construction Inc.

Whitworth Water District was established in the 1930’s and has gone from serving 1,000 services to nearly 11,000 services today. The District operates as a special purpose water District under the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 57; as a public municipality. The District is governed by a five-member elected Board of Commissioners and is responsible for District operation. Please visit our website at for updates during the construction process.

Media Contact:
Tim Murrell
General Manager
(509) 466-0550