2019 Residential District Water Rates

Effective January 1, 2019, there will be a five-percent (5%) increase in the District’s water rates. The residential rates are listed below and will be reflected in the February billing statements for January water usage. For specific information for all other rate categories please visit our rate schedule

2019 Rate Schedule  
Monthly Water Service Charge  $     21.00
Includes 1,000 cubic-feet per month (7,500 gallons)  
Volume Charge (per Cubic Foot Used): *  
0 – 1,000 cubic feet (7,500 gallons)   Included
1,000 – 3,700 cubic feet (7,500 – 27,680 gallons)  $       0.0038
3,700 – 14,000 cubic feet (27,680 – 104,720 gallons)  $       0.0050
14,000 cubic feet (104,720 gallons) and above  $       0.0061
Monthly Booster Charge

Applies only to boosted accounts


$       1.05

*Some older District meters only read to the 100 cubic foot and will be charged based on each 100 cubic foot utilized. The District has a new meter replacement program that will eventually replace all 100 cubic foot meters to single cubic foot ones. 

Increases to rates are necessary to address aging infrastructure, ensure reliability throughout the system, and minimize interruptions in service. The District is also required to offset increases passed on to us for power, materials, and services.

A monthly water service charge increase has not occurred since 1999, while tiered usage rates have not increased since 2014. Pending remaining rate studies to be completed in early 2019, rate increases are expected to be enacted gradually over the next five years.