District Repayment Plan Program
The District’s Repayment Plan provides customers that have outstanding past due balances the opportunity to spread repayment of the balance over a six-month timeframe. Successful admission into the Program will ensure customers avoid penalties and shut offs due to non-payment if agreed to payment plan terms are adhered to by customer.
The Program is not available to those customers that are on the District’s active shut-off list or have previously defaulted on a District payment plan.
Program Terms:
-Customers desiring to set-up a payment plan must fill out, sign, and submit the online Application Form prior to being shut-off by the District. Only online submissions will be accepted so please do not mail in your application.
-Tenants can apply although the District may request landlord (owner) authorization prior to application approval.
– The Program provides up to six months to repay outstanding balances so long as current balances remain paid in full during this time frame.
-The monthly repayment will be 1/6th of the past due balance plus full payment of all current charges while in the Program. There is no fee nor interest incurred while in the Program.
-If monthly total invoice amount is not paid in full, and received by the invoice due date, the customer will have defaulted from Program.
-Should a customer default from Program, District policy states that all delinquent account balances will be assessed a 10% penalty and be shut-off and remain shut-off until total past due balance is paid in full.
– In addition, delinquent accounts will incur a minimum shut-off fee of $25.00 which will be added to any past due account balance. After successful repayment of past due balance, a minimum of a $25.00 turn-on fee will be added to the customers next statement balance.
Senior and Disabled Water Rate Reduction Program
Beginning in February of 2023, Whitworth Water District (District) will provide a 20% discount on the monthly base rate for low-income seniors and disabled customers who qualify for Washington State property tax relief. In 2024, This equates to a $5.62 discount per month.
To qualify for the discount, customers must apply to, and be accepted through, the Spokane County Assessor Office’s Senior or Disabled Person’s Tax Deferral Program. The application can be found on the Spokane County Assessor’s website under the Tax Deferral Department tab or simply click on the link below:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I know if I qualify for the Spokane County Tax Deferral Program?
A: The eligibility criteria is provided within the application packet located on the Spokane County Assessor’s website (listed above) or by calling the County Assessor’s office at (509) 477-3698.
Q: What if I am a renter (tenant) or do not own the property at the location I am living?
A: Unfortunately, the discount is only available to those District customers who qualify and are accepted through the County’s Tax Deferral Program.
Q: I meet the income and age restrictions of the County program but have not lived in my home for six months yet. Do I still qualify?
A: Unfortunately, not. For this and other requirements of the County Program, please visit the County Assessor’s webpage or call their office directly.
Q: Why can’t I provide the Program application and my financial information directly to the District instead of the County?
A: Administratively, it is much safer for the District to utilize an existing State program that is administered through the County. Additionally, District staff does not want to be provided confidential tax related information of its customers.
Q: I applied to the Program today. How long will it take to get a decision and who do I ask for updates on the status of my application?
A: Spokane County Assessor’s Office staff will be the only ones able to answer questions pertaining to your application. Timeframes for Program acceptance vary. Monthly discounts will not be provided on District water bills until the County has accepted the customer’s Program application.
Q: I was accepted to the County Program. How long will it take for the credit to show up on my water bill?
A: It is the customer’s responsibility to notify District staff of an accepted County Program application. Once District staff has confirmed the accepted application with County Assessor’s Office staff, the discount will appear on the customer’s following months water bill.
Q: How often do I need to apply for the Program to stay current?
A: Once approved into the Program, the County will provide the property owner with a letter stating the timeframe that they are approved through. The District will match these timeframes. After this timeframe, it is the customers responsibility to provide staff with updated Program approvals or the discount will fall off the bill and no longer apply.
For further information about the County’s Program, please contact the County Assessor’s Office via phone at (509) 477-3698.
For questions about the District’s Program or specific account billing questions or concerns, please contact staff at (509) 466-0550.
View and Pay Bill Online
Water charges will be billed monthly and are delinquent 45 days after the billing date. A 10% penalty charge will be assessed on all accounts 60 days after the billing date.
Forty days after the billing date, the person responsible for an unpaid bill will be notified in writing of the delinquency, and should that account not be paid in full within the next 20 days after being sent the delinquency notice, a lien may be filed against the property (RCW 57.08.081).
After connection service fees or various water charges have been delinquent for 60 days, water to the property may be completely shut off and will remain off until said account’s accrued charges, penalties and interest are paid in full. The District may also bring a suit for foreclosure at this time.
Billing Schedule
The bills are processed once a month on the first day of the month. Due date is the last day of the month. Water charges will be billed monthly and are delinquent 45 days after the billing date. A 10% penalty charge will be assessed on all accounts 60 days after the billing date.
Bill Payment Options
Your bill can be paid in person at the office with cash or check, mailed in with a check or money order, dropped in the drop box in front of the office, paid through your banks bill pay and paid through Xpress bill pay using debit, credit and electronic funds transfer. Debit and credit cards are not accepted in the office at this time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take credit cards?
Your bill can be paid in person at the office with cash, check, debit card, credit card, mailed in with a check or money order, dropped in the drop box in front of the office, paid through your banks bill pay and paid through Xpress bill pay using debit, credit and electronic funds transfer.
When is my bill due?
The last day of the month following the billing date.
What bill payment services do you have available online?
The District’s new online payment system is Xpress Bill Pay. Xpress Bill Pay provides secure payment processing.
- Xpress bill pay
- View the actual bill and payment details online
- Pay with an electronic check, credit card or debit card
- Receive online payment confirmations and notices
- Make and schedule your payments online
- Enroll in Auto-Pay to avoid late fees
- Sign up to Go Paperless and receive statements in your email.
If you have questions about using the system, you may email support@xpressbillpay.com or call the Xpress Bill Pay support line: 1-800-766-2350.
Why do you bill for streetlights?
Whitworth Water District bills for streetlights as courtesy for Avista Utilities. If you notice a light out or have any further questions about a street light, you can contact Avista Utilities directly by clicking here.
What is a booster account?
A booster account is an account set up specifically for your area. When the District needs to keep the pressure up at your house, they boost the water to your house through a booster station. There is a small monthly fee for this service.
Where is the water rate schedule?
The rate schedule is located under the water rates and services tab on the home screen. You can also access it by clicking here.
What is an assessment charge?
An assessment charge is a charge that everyone in an area is charged for the cost of bringing water to their area (laying pipe, upgrading the previous system). This charge is in addition to connecting a service to a property.
How do I find out the balance owing on my assessment?
To find out how much is owed on your assessment either call the District office at (509) 466-0550, or email billing@whitworthwater.com.
Do you add fluoride to the water?
Whitworth Water does not add fluoride to the water.
Should I contact Whitworth Water when I sell my home, or buy a new one?
Yes, we appreciate being able to have current contact information and knowing what Title Company or Closing Attorney to contact if we have questions on the transfer. Another option is to visit Manage Your Account section under the Customer Service section to report the information yourself. You can access the Manage Your Account section by clicking here.
What is the hardness of the water?
To find out the hardness of your water call the District office at (509) 466-0550.
What is the water pressure at my residence?
To find out the water pressure at your residence call the Operations Department at (509) 466-7511 and we will send out a technician to check your water pressure.
Restoring Water Service
When Water is Shut off for non-payment.
Whenever possible the District will restore water service as soon as possible after all outstanding bills have been paid in full. You must come into the District office when making a payment to restore water service. In order to have water service restored after District business hours, an overtime charge of $120.00 plus tax and the total account past due balance will be due at time of service before water service can be restored.
How did my water get shut off?
Water service may be shut off due to:
Non-payment: Customers that have a delinquent account are subject to shut off. Before service is shut off, Whitworth Water District will provide the following notices:
1st Notice: Next bill statement – Which will state current bill amount plus previous amount owed.
2nd Notice: A delinquent notice will be sent out mid-month in the mail.
3rd Notice: Pink door hanger – A pink door hanger will be placed on the door of the property. This is a courtesy reminder that the property is scheduled for shut off for non-payment.
Shut off – The water will remain shut off until your bill is paid in full including all late fees and shut off charges. There is a $25.00 plus tax fee for water shut off and a $25.00 plus tax fee to restore service.
A water emergency.
Non-compliance: You have denied access to Whitworth Water District for reading or repairing your meter.
Fraud: If a customer has committed fraud against the District.
Public Safety: Emergencies or health and safety violations have occurred.
Have another question?
Just call the District Office at (509) 466-0550 and one of our friendly associates will help you out!
Backflow Testing
Schedule an Inspection
For inspection requests, answers to specific cross connection control questions and lists of approved assemblies please contact Whitworth Water District at 509.466.7511 or by email at bob@whitworthwater.com.
For a list of approved testers please refer to Whitworth Water District’s list by clicking here, or you can use the City of Spokane’s list by clicking here.
What is the Backflow Testing Program?
Whitworth Water District’s Backflow Testing program protects our water system from potential sources of contamination. Cross connections are any physical link between the public water system and a source of non-potable liquid. Contamination can also result from connections to solid or gas sources that might backflow into the clean water system.
Where can I find the Backflow Preventer Inspection and Field Test Report?
The link for the backflow preventer inspection and field test report can be found be clicking here.
What is Backflow Prevention?
Backflow results when pressure at the location water is being delivered is higher than the pressure delivering water to the same point. This can be caused by high velocities in pipes from maintenance, line breaks or fire fighting. Sources of back-pressure include booster pumps, boilers, elevated piping, and interconnections with auxiliary systems.
Backflow preventers are mechanical assemblies that help stop cross contamination of the clean water system.
Backflow Prevention Devices
- Air gaps (AG)
- Reduced Pressure Backflow Assemblies (RPBA)
- Double Check Valve Assemblies (DCVA)
- Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDA)
- Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblies (PVB)
- Spill Resistant Backflow Assemblies (SVB)
- Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers (AVB)
The required type of assembly is determined by the assessed hazard:
- High Hazards: Air Gaps and Reduced Pressure Backflow Assemblies
- Low Hazards: Double Check Valve Assemblies, Spill Resistant Vacuum Breakers, Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblies or Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers