Senior and Disabled Water Rate Reduction Program
Beginning in February of 2023, Whitworth Water District (District) will provide a 20% discount on the monthly base rate for low-income seniors and disabled customers who qualify for Washington State property tax relief. In 2024, This equates to a $5.62 discount per month.
To qualify for the discount, customers must apply to, and be accepted through, the Spokane County Assessor Office’s Senior or Disabled Person’s Tax Deferral Program. The application can be found on the Spokane County Assessor’s website under the Tax Deferral Department tab or simply click on the link below:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I know if I qualify for the Spokane County Tax Deferral Program?
A: The eligibility criteria is provided within the application packet located on the Spokane County Assessor’s website (listed above) or by calling the County Assessor’s office at (509) 477-3698.
Q: What if I am a renter (tenant) or do not own the property at the location I am living?
A: Unfortunately, the discount is only available to those District customers who qualify and are accepted through the County’s Tax Deferral Program.
Q: I meet the income and age restrictions of the County program but have not lived in my home for six months yet. Do I still qualify?
A: Unfortunately, not. For this and other requirements of the County Program, please visit the County Assessor’s webpage or call their office directly.
Q: Why can’t I provide the Program application and my financial information directly to the District instead of the County?
A: Administratively, it is much safer for the District to utilize an existing State program that is administered through the County. Additionally, District staff does not want to be provided confidential tax related information of its customers.
Q: I applied to the Program today. How long will it take to get a decision and who do I ask for updates on the status of my application?
A: Spokane County Assessor’s Office staff will be the only ones able to answer questions pertaining to your application. Timeframes for Program acceptance vary. Monthly discounts will not be provided on District water bills until the County has accepted the customer’s Program application.
Q: I was accepted to the County Program. How long will it take for the credit to show up on my water bill?
A: It is the customer’s responsibility to notify District staff of an accepted County Program application. Once District staff has confirmed the accepted application with County Assessor’s Office staff, the discount will appear on the customer’s following months water bill.
Q: How often do I need to apply for the Program to stay current?
A: Once approved into the Program, the County will provide the property owner with a letter stating the timeframe that they are approved through. The District will match these timeframes. After this timeframe, it is the customers responsibility to provide staff with updated Program approvals or the discount will fall off the bill and no longer apply.
For further information about the County’s Program, please contact the County Assessor’s Office via phone at (509) 477-3698.
For questions about the District’s Program or specific account billing questions or concerns, please contact staff at (509) 466-0550.