Monthly Boostered System Charge (if applicable): $1.48
Monthly Residential and T-1 Commercial Billing Rate:
- Per Unit Water Service Charge (includes 7,480 gallons) – Tier 1: $29.48
- Tier 2: 7,481 – 27,676 gallons – $0.00071 per gallon
- Tier 3: 27,677-74,800 gallons – $0.00110 per gallon
- Tier 4: 74,801-112,200 gallons – $0.00166 per gallon
- Tier 5: Greater than 112,201 gallons – $0.00276 per gallon
Monthly T-2 Commercial Billing Rate:
- Per Unit Water Service Charge (no usage allowance) – $28.48
- Commercial Additional Unit Charge – $19.16
- Tier 1: 1 – 27,676 gallons – $0.00071 per gallon
- Tier 2: 27,677-74,800 gallons – $0.00110 per gallon
- Tier 3: 74,801 gallons and above – $0.00166 per gallon
Green Bluff Water Association Monthly Wholesale Water Billing Rate:
- Per Unit Water Service Charge (no usage allowance) – $29.48
- Per gallon used – $.00083
Irrigation meters will be charged at the Residential Billing Rate.
Motels, hotels, boarding houses, apartment units, and office buildings will pay a $29.48 Monthly Water Service Charge plus $19.16 per month for each unit available for rental whether it is rented or not. The 7,480 gallons monthly service allowance will not apply to this category.
RV Parks and others not mentioned above who provide transient accommodations will pay a $29.48 Monthly Water Service Charge per building unit plus the metered rate on the combined building(s) and transient space water usage. The 7,480 gallons Monthly Water Service Charge allowance will not apply to this category.
Retirement homes, nursing homes and homes for the aged will pay a $29.48 Monthly Water Service Charge, $8.12 for each unit whether occupied or not, plus the metered rate. The 7,480 gallons Monthly Water Service Charge allowance will not apply to this category.
Every other water user type not specifically mentioned above will pay the metered rate defined in the 2025 Monthly Residential Billing Rate.
Whitworth Water District’s Fire Hydrant Permit Program (Program) was adopted by the District’s Board of Commissioners under Resolution 20-03. The Program provides for the lawful use of District owned fire hydrants to obtain bulk water. Permits are only offered monthly or annually. By completing and signing both the Application Packet and Permit Application (attached), the applicant is agreeing to comply with the Program fees and rules listed within this Application Packet. Any use of a District owned hydrant without a valid Permit and District issued devices will result in a $1,000 fine, loss of Permit (if applicable), and law enforcement intervention.
Monthly Fire Hydrant Permit Fee – $250 plus usage rates. The Permit timeframe will begin at date of issuance and extend for a period of 30 days.
Yearly Fire Hydrant Permit Fee – $1,000 plus usage rates. The Permit timeframe will be one year from the date of issuance.
Monthly Water Usage Reporting and Rates – Usage is billed monthly per the District’s current commercial T-1 rate structure. A $29.48 per month base charge plus volumetric usage rates apply. Permit holders must email monthly meter readings on the 20th of each month to operations@whitworthwater.com Meter readings not sent in will be subject to the volumetric usage rates for the month readings were received. Monthly volumetric usage rates for 2025 are listed below and subject to change.
Usage rates for year 2025 are as follows and are subject to change.
• 1 – 27,676 gallons = $0.00071 per gallon
• 27,677-74,800 gallons = $0.00110 per gallon
• 74,801 –112,200 gallons = $0.00166 per gallon
• Greater than 112,201 gallons = $.00276
Fire Hydrant Meter and Backflow Assembly Connection, Disconnection, and Relocation – It is a Program requirement that the District issued devices are exclusively used and not altered in any manner. Specific care must be taken to protect the meter and backflow device as well as the hydrant itself. Use of District issued hydrant stand is also required, as this places less stress on the hydrant while also supporting the meter device. The District requires permit holders to notify District staff if any damage or irregular behavior is experienced with the device or hydrant(s).
Liability Insurance Coverage – An Applicant for a District Hydrant Permit must provide a copy of their liability insurance policy. The amount of coverage shall not be less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury, including death to any one person and, subject to that limit for each person, of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence; and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence.
Damage Deposit – A $500 Damage Deposit is required on all Permits. The Damage Deposit is required at time of application. Damages caused by neglect, improper use, or abuse to the hydrant, meter, backflow assembly, gate valve, or meter stand will be deducted from the Damage Deposit by the amount necessary to facilitate repair or replacement. Unused Damage Deposit amounts will be returned after the Permit period has ended and all equipment and infrastructure has been inspected. If repairs due to neglect, improper use, or abuse are required prior to the Permit period ending, these repair charges will be billed on a time and material basis on the monthly billing statement. The Permit holder is responsible for any theft or loss of equipment.
Possession of Permit and Unpermitted Hydrant Usage Penalty – A penalty of $250 will be assessed to the Permit holder if a hydrant user is not immediately able to provide a copy of the Permit when requested by District personnel. In addition, a penalty of $250 and immediate loss of Permit without refund will occur if either the District provided meter, backflow assembly, and or jack stand are not connected when operating a hydrant.
Fire Department Use – Any District hydrant utilized must be unobstructed at all times for use by fire department or District personal. Any violation will lead to the revocation of the Permit without refund.
Hydrant permit holders operate hydrants at their own risk and assume all responsibility for personal injury, blatant damage to District equipment, or any user caused contamination to the water system from their improper use of District hydrants. If a hydrant is not operating properly, immediately call the District at (509) 466-7511 to report the problem. The hydrant water supply will be open and therefore the use of a pipe wrench is not necessary. Never open or close a fire hydrant rapidly. Opening or closing a hydrant too fast can damage the hydrant, or send water hammer through the water system causing damage elsewhere. This may also disturb any sediment within the water mains and affect water quality for other customers. Never throttle a hydrant from the operation nut. Operate the hydrant to the fully open or fully closed positions. Leaving the hydrant partially open or closed can cause damage to the main rubber valve. Permit holder assumes all liability resulting from improper opening or closure of a fire hydrant.
An Assessment is a property’s prorated share of the project costs borne to bring water improvements to a previously unserved area within the District. Assessment fees, where they exist, are charged in addition to the GFC required for new service. To determine if a specific property is located within an Assessment Area, please contract the Operations Department at (509) 466-7511.
Interest on all rates, charges and penalties certified as delinquent is 8% per year or the highest amount permitted by law, whichever is greater.
Other charges deemed reasonable by the Board will be applied for services including, but not limited to, shutting off or turn on of service, returned checks, the setup of new accounts, filing of liens, freeze ups, RF installation and hydrant permits.
A charge of $150.00 plus the cost of repairing the main valve or meter will be assessed for an illegal turn-on where the water to the property has been turned off by the District.
Whenever a request is made that the District change the name and/or address of an account, the District shall charge and collect an amount of $10.00 for such change. Said change shall be added to the first water bill sent to that account after the change is made.
All labor, material and miscellaneous charges borne by Whitworth Water District will likewise be passed on to the customer receiving the service.
After hours call outs will be billed out at a two hour minimum ($197.00) regardless of the amount of time spent at the residence. An additional $98.50 will be charged for each hour work is being performed. Charges will be broken down into half hour increments if needed.
Any form of consumption or excise tax charged as a cost to the District shall be passed on to each customer by adding such tax to each customer’s statement or as charges in such a manner as the District deems reasonable.
The District operates street light systems in accordance with RCW 57.08.060 and each owner of a lot located in a development where Whitworth Water District operates a system will be billed for the lot’s proportional share of the costs of operating the system.
Labor & Equipment Rates
Click here for a printable copy of the Labor and Equipment Rates
Backhoe |
$59.00 per hour |
- * Equipment rates based on 2023 Federal Schedule of Equipment Rates (FEMA)
- **Usage charged at the current District commercial metered water rate. See https://whitworthwater.com/rates-and-fees/ for current rates.
General Facilities Charge
A General Facilities Charge (GFC) is a one-time charge imposed as a condition of service on new connections to the water system. The charge represents a proportional share of the capital investment made to provide system capacity. These charges do not include costs associated with the physical connection to the system including meters, materials, labor and other miscellaneous charges. Estimates for these costs and other services are available upon request at the District Office.
These fees are:
3/4-inch meter size – $2,580
1-inch meter size – $4,300
2-inch meter size – $13,438
For connections larger than a 2-inch meter size, a site-specific determination, or non-standard schedule path, can be used to establish a General Facilities Charge (GFC) based on the total equivalent residential units (ERU). the current charge per ERU is $4,300. As an alternate to the non-standard schedule path, an applicant may choose to instead apply the standard schedule path to determine the GFC Schedule.