Zone 9 South Improvements


Whitworth Water District wishes to inform our customers about the Zone 9 South Improvements project which will be constructed between Summer 2020 and Spring 2021.  We will keep you informed of the project status and anticipated impacts of this project so you are able to effectively plan ahead.

Project Need

Through a recent system analysis, it was noted that additional water storage was necessary to meet the projected 20-year growth within the District’s Zone 9 Service Area.  Additionally, looping and hydraulic improvements were recommended along Lowe Rd and Howe Rd.  These two improvements were incorporated into one project known as the Zone 9 South Improvements project.

Project Description

The project consists of the construction of a new 1.5 million gallon welded steel reservoir with site grading and overflow basin, approximately 1,700 feet of 18” ductile iron waterline, 4,200 feet of 12” PVC waterline, and 800 feet of 8” PVC waterline installed within District property and existing rights of way along Day Mt. Spokane, E. Lowe Rd., and N. Howe Rd.

Project Description

Property located at 7215 E Day Mt Spokane was purchased by the district in early 2020 as a site for the 1.5 million gallon reservoir.  This site was selected based on the proximity to the existing Zone 9A reservoir.  The similar elevation of the new reservoir allows for the two reservoirs to operate in tandem, providing approximately 2.5 million gallons of useable water during peak demands.

In June of 2020, the project was publicly bid and later awarded to LaRiviere Inc, based out of Athol, Idaho.  LaRiviere plans to begin mobilization and the installation of site controls the week of August 10th.  Site grading and waterline installation is expected to continue through the fall of 2020.  Traffic slowdowns and/or temporary road closures along E. Day Mt. Spokane Rd, E. Lowe Rd., and N. Howe Rd are likely during the waterline installation.

Tank assembly and tank coating will progress through the spring of 2021.  It is anticipated that the project will be substantially completed by June of 2021.  We will continue to keep you updated during the construction progression.