Call for Bids – Landscape Maintenance Services


Landscape Maintenance Services

Whitworth Water District (District) is seeking a qualified landscape maintenance provider to provide for landscape maintenance services for planting areas and turf areas, all located within District boundaries. Items of work include, but not limited to: lawn mowing, field cutting, lawn fertilization, lawn weed control, shrub bed weed control, dormant spray, tree and shrub insect control and bare ground weed treatment at 35 district properties in northern Spokane County. The properties included are the District Office, District Maintenance Shop and various pump stations, well houses and water reservoir sites.

Bid documents, including bid forms will be available starting March 15th, free of charge and may be picked up at Whitworth Water District, located at 17401 N Newport Rd. Mead, WA 99021 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bid documents are also available at <<Call for Bids Documents>>


To receive consideration, responses must be submitted in accordance with the following

  1. All Bids shall be sealed and delivered to:
    Whitworth Water District
    17401 N. Newport Rd.
    Mead, WA 99021
  2. The envelope must be clearly marked “LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID”; and
  3. Modifications to submissions may be submitted prior to the date and time specified for
    receipt of submissions.

<<Call for Bids Documents>>

Click below for information on Addenda 1

Landscape Maintenance Services – Call for Bids – Addenda 1

Click below for information on Addenda 2